Gifted and Talented

Campus Contacts

Celina Primary School

Jeanne Juneau, School Counselor

(469) 742-9104

Lykins Elementary School

Lee Clayton

(469) 742-9103

O’Dell Elementary School

Marvila Dunnam

(469) 742-9106

Martin Elementary School

Lindsay Wagoner

(469) 742 - 9107

Moore Middle School

Mechelle Galyon

(469) 742-9101

Celina High School

Carrie Crane, School Counselor

Emily McKinney, School Counselor

Karen Pelkey, School Counselor 

(469) 742-9102

Elementary GT

Elementary School (Grade K): All kindergarten students identified as GT after the assessment process will be served by their homeroom teacher, who is GT certified, during the regular school day.  Gifted & Talented pull-out services will begin in the Fall semester of their 1st grade school year. 

Elementary School (Grades 1-5): All elementary students will be served by a Gifted & Talented Specialist for one hour, one time per week. In addition, identified students will be served by cluster grouping with a teacher who is GT trained.  

Secondary GT

Middle School (Grades 6-8): Gifted and talented students will be served by cluster grouping with a GT trained teacher in Advanced ELAR classes and other core curriculum classes.  Additional advanced classes are also offered to each grade level.  This design allows students to receive multiple options of advanced curriculum through differentiated teacher designed lesson plans; these lessons will include depth and complexity to assure higher level thinking.  Advanced classes offered to the middle school students include 6th grade advanced reading and math; 7th grade advanced reading and math; and 8th grade advanced reading and Algebra I.  

High School (Grades 9-12):  Identified Gifted & Talented students in the high school grades are served through pre-AP and AP classes.  This design allows students to receive multiple options of advanced curriculum through differentiated teacher designed lesson plans; these lessons will include depth and complexity to assure higher level thinking.  Advanced classes offered at the pre-AP and AP level include Biology, Art Draw & Design, Calculus, US History, Art 2D, Chemistry, English 3,  English 4, Human Geography, World History, and Spanish 4.  

Referral Process

Referrals for the Celina ISD Gifted & Talented Program may be made by parents, teachers, counselors, community members, or peers.  Students may be referred for screening each year during the designated grade level referral windows.  Before requesting a referral, parents are encouraged to review their child’s district testing data and reach out to their child’s classroom teacher(s) regarding their child’s academic strengths.  Yearly referral windows will be posted on the Gifted and Talented Department webpage.  Students who meet the district gifted education program criteria are recommended by each campus Gifted & Talented Committee for participation in the Gifted & Talented program.  Parents will receive notification letters and/or communication from the campus Gifted & Talented teacher.  

New Student Policy

The Gifted & Talented teacher at each campus will be notified by the PEIMS clerk when a new student indicates they were GT at their previous school.  The GT teacher will request GT paperwork/testing from parents and/or former district.  If testing information is received, it will be placed on the CISD matrix and referred to the campus Gifted & Talented selection committee. If testing data is unavailable or does not meet our criteria, then the student will need to go through the regular Fall process. 

Referral Timeline

Grades 1-12 Teacher & Parent Referral Window

Opens the 1st Monday in October, Closes the 3rd Friday in October

Parents are notified of the results in late December. Students will begin services at the start of the 2nd semester.

Kindergarten Teacher & Parent Referral Window

Opens the 1st Monday in January, Closes the last Friday in January

Parents are notified of the results in April. Students will begin services at the start of their 1st grade school year.

Grades 1-12 Teacher Referral Window

Open the 1st Monday in February, Closes the 3rd Friday in February

Parents are notified of the results in April. Students will begin services at the start of the following school year.